
Thanks for sharing your time and space with us. We know it’s valuable! As a result, we want to assure you that the content on Confessions Of A Pastor’s Family is authentic, and the opinions and thoughts expressed on this blog are 100% our own.  If we think it, we’ll say it, and if we don’t? We’ll let someone else do the honors!

On occasion, we may host a giveaway or share a product review in exchange for product samples.  If that’s the case, we will provide our honest opinions, and we will disclose how we received compensation at the end of the post.  Fair enough?

Also,  Confessions Of A Pastor’s Family is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com   These links are sometimes embedded within posts if we have a particular product we like and think readers may also appreciate.  If you choose to purchase a product through an embedded link, Confessions Of A Pastor’s Family will receive minimal compensation.

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